====== Code Igniter Notes ======
Been looking at [[http://net.tutsplus.com/tutorials/php/codeigniter-from-scratch-extending-the-framework/| nettuts]] video tutorials and I am going to save some code snippets here so I can pick them up at work.
[[http://codeigniter.com/wiki/Category:Help::Tutorials|tutorial list]]
[[http://net.tutsplus.com/articles/news/codeigniter-from-scratch-day-5-crud/| tutorial 5]]
$data['records'] = $query;
$this->load->view('options_view', $data);
function create()
$data = array(
'title' => $this->input->post('title'),
'content' => $this->input->post('content')
function update()
$data = array(
'title' => 'My Freshly UPDATED Title',
'content' => 'Content should go here; it is updated.'
function delete()
return $query->result();
function add_record($data)
$this->db->insert('data', $data);
function update_record($data)
$this->db->where('id', 12);
$this->db->update('data', $data);
function delete_row()
$this->db->where('id', $this->uri->segment(3));
$data['records'] = $query;
$this->load->view('options_view', $data);
function create()
$data = array(
'title' => $this->input->post('title'),
'content' => $this->input->post('content')
function update()
$data = array(
'title' => 'My Freshly UPDATED Title',
'content' => 'Content should go here; it is updated.'
function delete()
* Note the use of row_array to get
* array of one row instead of object
* this will matter later in the whole
* array that is passed to the view
* @param string $wfield
* the column we want to average
* @param string $avgname
* this is for the "as" clause
* @param string $tablename
* the name of the table the column is in
* @return array
function get_avg($wfield,$avgname,$tablename) {
$query = $this->db->get($tablename) ;
$avgdata = $query->row_array() ;
return $avgdata ;
oldbp = $this->load->database('oldbp', TRUE);
$this->oldbp =& $CI->oldbp;
function get_old_records() {
$table_name = 'old_blood_pressure' ;
$oldbprec = $this->oldbp->get($table_name);
foreach ($oldbprec->result()as $row) {
$table_data[] = $row ;
return $table_data;
'oldbp' is in the codeigniter database config file
===== javascript - pass data to php and get json array back =====
$(function() {
var wpt = $('select#wpt_pick').val();
$.post("/coords/index.php/pickcoords/chosen", { chosen: $('select#wpt_pick').val() },
function(data) {