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10-20-15 New GPS came today. Garmin oregon 600


qlandkarte and gps maps linux

open layers map plugin should be working

plugin page

| sample
<olmap id="olMap" width="600px" height="400px" lat="52.0" lon="5.1" zoom="12" statusbar="1" toolbar="1" controls="1" poihoverstyle="1" baselyr="OpenStreetMap" gpxfile=":playground:hardlopen_gpx.gpx" geojsonfile=":playground:test.gsojson" kmlfile=":playground:mtb.kml" summary="This map shows a gpx trace, a kml trace and a dot">
52.1,5.1,60,.8,marker-green.png,Just a spot

Test Cache One page has map

quabbin reservoir

quabbin reservoir


Other Maps

home gps coords