gps maps and qlandkarte on linux
must have cloned this subdirectory
from git? - this is used to get maps setup for qtlankarte getting map data from openmtbmap site.
paid for a years subscription of downloads.. I can use these maps on the garmin and in qlandkarte also
here are some command lines installed mkgmap with apt
~/projects/openmtbmap_openvelomap_linux/ -g /home/rfile/bin/gmt -o /home/rfile/osmmap/osm2 -m /usr/bin/mkgmap /home/rfile/gis/mtbus-south.exe clas ~/projects/openmtbmap_openvelomap_linux/ -g /home/rfile/bin/gmt -o /home/rfile/osmmap/osmmw -m /usr/bin/ /home/rfile/gis/mtbus-midwest.exe clas ~/projects/openmtbmap_openvelomap_linux/ -g /home/rfile/bin/gmt -o /home/rfile/osmmap/osmwest -m /usr/bin/ /home/rfile/gis/mtbus-west.exe clas ~/projects/openmtbmap_openvelomap_linux/ -g /home/rfile/bin/gmt -o /home/rfile/osmmap/osmeast -m /usr/bin/ /data/gis/osm/mtbus-northeast.exe clas
/home/rfile/gis/mtbus-west.exe clas
The above lines get the mapsets that have been downloaded turned into something that I think would work straight on the garmin. I have been using gmt to split the file back out to be uses in qlandkarte
/home/rfile/bin/gmt -S openmtbmap_us-northeast.img
good until Mar 27th, 2019
gis/oepnmtbmaps.txt · Last modified: 2018/05/22 08:47 by rfile