I have new hardware for both my workstation and a server. It has been fun building and configuring both boxes. I would say that I an about done with configuration and have automated several tasks, especially backups.
Category: Tech
Technical things
Well I must say that was pretty good. I was mucking about with the site and found an old perl script that built a logo for putting stats on. It didn’t work. I got an error 500 internal server error. I started to put in a ticket at a small orange and I see a chat button – so I click on it. A tech help person comes on line and takes a look at the script and makes some suggestions and I ask him if all the libs are installed and he says wait a minute and reinstalls the perl modules and binary file and within 20 minutes the script is working again. It is something I built a long time ago to make a little logo for stats for GC.com for Isonzo Karst.
If anyone is interested I can make the image more generic so others could use it… I had forgotten all about this script. I would say that asmallorange did a great job.